Machine Learning Summer School 2008
27 January 2008
Perfect: the website for the next machine learning summer school is up and running. It will be organized on Porquerolles Island, right of the coast of France. The confirmed speaker list is still a work in progress but looks promising already:
- Shai Ben-David (University of Waterloo) Theoretical Foundations of Clustering
- Stephane Canu (INSA de Rouen) Introduction to Kernel Methods
- Manuel Davy (INRIA) Parametric and Non-parametric Bayesian Learning
- Pierre Del Moral (Universite de Bordeaux) On the Foundations and the Applications of i-MCMC Methods
- Isabelle Guyon (ClopiNet)
- Yann LeCun (New York university) Supervised and Unsupervised Learning with Energy-Based Models
- Rich Sutton (University of Alberta) Reinforcement Learning and Knowledge Representation
- Patrick Wolfe (Harvard University) Overcomplete Representations with Incomplete Data: Learning Bayesian Models for Sparsity
I’ll definitely try to apply and hope for the best!